Sunday, December 29, 2013

      Well, Nature's fury canceled Nature's fury. There was a lot of snow and the college that was hosting the competition was closed. :(

However, we were randomly chosen to go to state. Go Lightning Storm!!!!


Friday, December 13, 2013

The Funny Column

                                           Jokes and Funnies

This is going to BLOW your mind!

Q: Why did you pick your  team's name?(lightning storm)

A: It was very shocking. It was a flash of inspiration. It was met with thunderous applause. Just trying to "lightning" up the mood.

Q: What did one clap of lightning say to the other?

A: You shocked me!!!

 Q: What did the robot say to the team member?

A: Since I have a brain and the team's name is lightning storm,  shouldn't I be having a brainstorm?

Q: What did the farmer say to the old weather app?

A: Since y'all don't show me where I'm  located, I'm deleting you and downloading a different app called Flood Alert!

Look out FLL, here we come!

Look out, here we come!  

Our Qualifying Tournament is this Saturday!  Get ready to meet Thunder! He will blow your mind. (get it?)

 This is Thunder. Thunder is a 3-wheeled robot that has a  forklift type front that can support several different attachments.

 We made a  wedge  to help him get under the airplane's zip-line. We made a bar of 3 hole long pieces halfway across. We didn't have to make it all the way across because you only need half of it for the attachment to hit the line.

Last, but not least, we have The Box. The box is for carrying the supplies, people and pets we collected.

Thunder is pretty awesome!  We have had a lot of fun coming up with jokes.  Coming up in the next post, the jokes we made up!    :-)   =-)   *<=-)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's all coming together

     Here at Lightning Storm headquarters, we have been working on our teamwork tactics.  Each of us are just bursting with creative ideas. (That's how we got our name!)  But we can't use all of them all of the time.  How do we decide?

     We had a parent come in to help us get practice to work together.  When we did this, at first shouted out our ideas.  Then we learned that we need a process leader.  A process leader does what they can to help the group. Here is what the process leader does: 1.They ask you questions, 2.They help you decide what to make ,3.How to use it.

    Our team did group activities to help us work together to do team building activities for the competition. One of the activities was we had to take a piece of rope and untie it without untying the knot.  We started pulling and tugging on both ends. Our leader stopped us and taught us how to untie it. Then, we did it correctly and got it.

     Another activity we did was this tennis ball thing.  We had to get the tennis ball passed around in the circle as quick as we could.  After we got it down to one second to do it, our leader said, "Still too slow!"  He said that we could do it in than less than half a second. We finally did it in 0.49 seconds and we all celebrated.

     The last activity we did was the easiest one. We were asked to make a useful kitchen item out of the box of extra legos.  Luckily we found the oven/stove (which was one of last year's pieces for the missions from the board).  We made up a commercial for it too. It's specialties are that you can cook food under a minute and it can also flick a ball for a dog to play fetch!

We had such a great time during our team building session
 that we scheduled more!

What if...

Our coach complained that she doesn't understand the flood warnings that she gets on the weather app on her smart phone.  All it tells her is that our county is under a flood watch.  That's it.  Does that mean her house is at risk?  Is she in a flood prone area?  What about if we were camping at the time?  Would we be at risk there?

What if we could warn people when they are in a flood prone area?  Not just when conditions are right for flooding but if they are personally in a flood prone area at that time?  What if we could alert them and give them information too?  Tell them what they can do to keep themselves safe?

What if there was an app for that?!  Wouldn't that be great?

We could use the GPS function on a smart phone and current flood hazard maps to determine if you are in area that is at risk for a flood.  If the app finds you in an area that is at risk, it can alert you.

Then the app could link you to data that would help you decide what to do next.  It could give you basic items that you need to have on hand if a flood is predicted.  It could give you directions to get you to higher ground if you happen to be outside camping or hiking at the time.  It could give you access to local emergency numbers too.

We invited Kim, a meteorologist, to one of our meetings to ask her about what she knew about flooding and what she thought of our app idea.  Kim helped us research flooding in general, the resources that are currently used to determine flood risks, and what would be needed to make our app a reality.  We found that all of the elements of our app are already in place.  All that would be needed would be someone to develop the app and a large server to manage it.

Maybe someday....


For the Nature's Fury challenge, we were asked to choose from a list of natural disasters and focus on an area that experiences our chosen disaster.

This year we wanted to focus on things in our area, so we chose flooding because flash floods and river and creek overflow happen where we come from in St. Clair County.

In our research,we discovered that floods are one of the biggest killers in the United States of America.  We found out so much on flooding we decided to make this video about some of the general things we learned.  In this video you will see different  areas.  We have also highlighted where some flood prone areas are located.  The first thing that you will see is a picture that we drew. In the first picture a flood is present. In the second picture, you will see how a house with stilts can survive a flood better then one without stilts.

After we started focusing on our area, St. Clair County, we discovered some of these flooding facts:

  • Some flood causes are spring thaw, dam or levee break, ice jams, and heavy rain.
  • Most people die by driving into floods
  • Knee high water can wipe out cars
  • TURN AROUND DON'T DROWN is a slogan from NOAA that helps educate people about not driving on flooded roads
  • Most flood deaths are men
  • Be very careful when driving at night during a flood watch.  Flooded roads are very hard to see.
  • It is important to have a survival kit ready before a flood happens.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


We here at Lightning Storm central are working very hard to prepare our team for our upcoming tournament.  But, sometimes our goofiness just gets the better of us!

Here are a few of the more funny adventures that we have had this season:

Our team Coach got two new dogs since we started meeting this year.  They keep us on our toes!

Willow ate the girl figure's hair.

Bandit has stolen our color sensor every time we have left it on a table.  Our coach named him well.:)

 august 10 stranger than fiction

After watching the FLL video about the Nature's Fury Project Requirements, we have become obsessed with fish-nadoes. 

We even made one ourselves! (with goldfish crackers)

We discovered sock puppets are lots of fun but you have to remember to move the mouth as you say the lines.  Otherwise it looks weird.:)

When asked to build a useful kitchen item, we found this!  It can also flip a ball!

Who knew that Nature's Fury would be so fun?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A New Year-Nature's Fury

Another year of robotics has come! This year are theme is Nature's Fury. We will be focusing on natural disasters, and solutions to the destructions they caused. Today we researched several natural disasters and found some interesting ones. We've built our mission pieces, and can't wait to find out what they do!